Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Bourne Organization

What Spy Thrillers Can Teach Us About Companies, Colleagues, and Careers

- There's always a hidden agenda. Always.

- Just because your program is productive and well-funded doesn't mean that your job is safe.

It's possible to oust bad management, but more bad management is waiting to take over.

- Doing the right thing may be hazardous to your career. The safe route is to continue to do the wrong thing and to say nothing about it. 

- Personal relationships always suffer in the end.

- When the organization decides that they don't need you anymore, notification will be sudden, merciless, and irrevocable.

- No one is watching out for your best interest, except maybe some earnest, soft-spoken, low-ranking assistant who secretly thinks that you're amazing.

- Your friends don't have the power to protect you. 

- The company can train you to do all sorts of impressive things, but they can't train you to enjoy your job.

Until next time: keep your spirits high, your stress levels low, and laugh as often as possible.

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